ISCA Solar Panel Cleaning Awards 2024 Nominations Now Open!
ISCA has arranged the world’s first solar panel cleaning awards evening, to be held on 14th November 2024. When bright minds and radiant personalities gather in the energy industry, the results are bound to be spectacular! We have tried to appeal to all sizes of businesses. The young business as well as established businesses can have equal opportunity to win. In fact, only one-man shows can sponsor each award category and get their company in the spotlight!
Nominate yourself and get your convention day ticket for free. Get shortlisted and get your convention day ticket and evening award ticket for free!

After a full day’s agenda of solar panel cleaning topics from industry experts at the ISCA convention, our awards evening is all about you. We focus on your achievements in service, products, entrepreneurism and innovation. Our awards are a huge part of how we recognise opportunities to improve, achieve and set goals to support our members worldwide.
Here we will celebrate the very best that the solar panel cleaning industry has to offer in terms of products, services and most importantly, people. Aiming to be the Oscars of the solar panel cleaning world, the ISCA Awards event is built for the movers and shakers in the solar cleaning industry.
The event will act as a catalyst for growth and success by giving stellar players their due in the spotlight, identifying potential solar panel cleaning powerhouses and raising the standards across the whole industry in terms of quality, health and safety and performance.
At this event, the crème de la crème of the solar cleaning industry will gather to celebrate each other’s success, network and help build the future of solar panel cleaning.
Below are the criteria for entering each award category. Entry into multiple awards is permitted. Please only enter ONCE per award. Award entry closes 30th September 2024.
Best Residential Clean of the Year
Nominations for this award are open to any rooftop residential clean that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated project must involve solar panel cleaning of a residential PV system. Photographs showing the conditions before and after cleaning should be submitted. If the array was particularly difficult to access, please show this with photographs and explain how you overcame that challenge.
Nominees should be able to attend the ISCA awards event on the evening of 14th November.
The nominee may be able to provide an end user / customer testimonial statement saying about the quality of your service.
Judges will also consider:
- The nature, scale and scope of the work carried out
- A special emphasis will be on safe delivery of the project.
Best Commercial Clean of the Year – Sponsored By Alexander’s Window Cleaning
Nominations for this award are open to any rooftop residential clean that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated project must involve solar panel cleaning of a commercial rooftop PV system.
All contractors working on the project must be able to demonstrate proof that the clean took place under safe working conditions. Before and after photographs are essential to send with your nomination.
Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets their project apart from other similar projects within the industry.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of a verifiable end user / customer that benefited from the clean and who is willing to endorse the clean with a favourable testimonial statement.
Judges will also consider:
- The nature, scale and scope of the work carried out
- Though not essential, nominees will be aided if the clean formed part of a wider cleaning project, which may have included chemical cleaning, subsequent fitting of bird proofing or bird deterrents and other anti-soiling measures, such as clips.
Best Utility-Scale Clean of the Year – Sponsored By Scaring Birds Ltd
Nominations for this award are open to any ground mount commercial clean that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated project must involve solar panel cleaning of a ground-mounted PV system.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of a verifiable end user / customer that benefited from the clean and who is willing to endorse the clean with a favourable testimonial statement.
All contractors working on the project must be able to demonstrate proof that the clean took place under safe working conditions and that that the individual(s) carrying out the clean has proof of training for all plant/machinery/vehicles/equipment used during the clean.
Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets their project apart from other similar projects within the industry.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of a verifiable end user / customer that benefited from the clean and who is willing to endorse the clean with a favourable testimonial statement.
Judges will also consider:-
- The nature, scale and scope of the work carried out
- Difficulties encountered regarding terrain, lack of water, flora and fauna, etc.
- A special emphasis will be safety, expertise of project management and the delivery of the project.
- Though not essential, nominees will be aided if the clean formed part of a wider cleaning project, which may have included chemical cleaning, subsequent fitting of bird proofing or bird deterrents and other anti-soiling measures, such as drainage clips.
Best Solar Panel Cleaning Product
Nominations for this award are open to any solar panel cleaning or anti-soiling product that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated product must involve cleaning of a PV system or be an anti-soiling measure for solar panels.
All nominees must be able to demonstrate proof that the product is currently in production, is fit for purpose and any certifications if needed for the product are in place and can be provided.
Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets their product apart from other similar products within the industry.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of at least 1 non-paid or affiliated, verifiable end users/customers that benefited from the product and who is willing to endorse the product with a favourable testimonial statement.
Judges will consider:
- The competition for such products
- The ability of the product to be a game-changer for the solar panel cleaning industry
- The negative impact on the industry if that product was not available
Approval for use documentation and media of the product in action should be sent with the nomination.
Start-up Of The Year
Nominations for this award are open to any solar panel cleaning company or individual that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated company or person must be engaged in PV solar panel cleaning.
All nominees must be able to demonstrate proof that they or their company has been in business only after November 2021.
Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets them or their business apart from other similar people or businesses within the industry.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of at least 1 non-paid or affiliated, verifiable end users/customers that benefited from their service and who is willing to endorse them with a favourable testimonial statement.
Judges will also consider:
- The progress made from concept to current growth and status
- Investments made in equipment and training
- Levels of safety and safety documentation within the business
- Realistic future ambition of the person/business.
Training certificates and media of the person/business in action should be sent with the nomination.
Wholesaler/Distributor Of The Year
Nominations for this award are open to any solar panel cleaning product supplier that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated wholesaler/distributor must distribute products or services involve cleaning of a solar PV system.
All nominees must be able to demonstrate proof that or products or services that they sell.
Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets their wholesale business apart from other similar products within the industry.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of at least 1 non-paid or affiliated, verifiable end users/customers that benefited from the product and who is willing to endorse the supplier with a favourable testimonial statement.
Judges will also consider:
- Revenue generated from the sale of solar panel cleaning products or services
- The competition for such products
- The ability of the wholesaler/distributor to be a future adaptor for technological advance and game-changer for the solar panel cleaning industry.
Young Solar Cleaner Of The Year
Nominations for this award are open to any person who cleans solar panels and that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated person must be under 30 years of age.
All nominees must be able to demonstrate proof that they have been cleaning solar panels for a period longer than 6 months.
Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets them apart from other young people within the solar cleaning industry.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of at least 3 verifiable end users/customers that benefited from their work and who is willing to endorse the clean with a favourable testimonial statement.
Judges will also consider:
- The competition from other young solar panel cleaners
- Skills learned during their time in the solar cleaning industry
- Level of training
- Future goals in their development as a solar panel cleaner
Proof of training and media of the person in action should be sent with the nomination.
Global Solar Panel Cleaning Contractor Of The Year
Nominations for this award are open to any person who cleans solar panels and that meets the following criteria:-
The nominated contractor must clean solar PV systems.
All nominees must be able to demonstrate proof that they have been in business for longer than 1 year.
Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets their product apart from other similar products within the industry.
The nominee must be able to provide evidence of at least 3 verifiable end users/customers that benefited from their work and who is willing to endorse the clean with a favourable testimonial statement.
Nominees do not necessarily need to be national or international companies.
Photographs and videos of your company tackling various types of solar arrays is an essential part of your application.
Judges will also consider:
- The global competition for such solar panel cleaning companies
- The ability of the contractor to tackle any solar cleaning project of any size
- Variance in terms of equipment used
- How they are a game-changer of the global solar panel cleaning industry
- What health and safety measures they have in place and how these are implemented and monitored across their organisation
- Staff care & company culture
- Internal systems and software
- Realistic future ambitions
This category will be fiercely contested and applying companies will need to meet the highest levels in order to be awarded the prestigious title of ISCA Global Solar Panel Cleaning Contractor Of The Year 2024!
Get your ticket and come join us for the hottest night in the solar panel cleaning calendar!