ISCA 2024 Convention

Sponsorship Opportunities

The ISCA Convention 2024 is the world’s very first solar panel cleaning exhibition and conference. It will be the first time that solar panel cleaners from across the world will all converge under one roof to network, educate and be educated.

The event will be held at the offices of Solar Clean USA in Las Vegas on 14th & 15th November 2024. Buy your tickets here.

We hope this event occupies a central position in the solar panel cleaning industry calendar for years to come. This is the event that will successfully demonstrate the global mix of solar panel cleaning safety, techniques, solutions and additional business training and schooling.

Put your company, product or service at the forefront of the global solar panel cleaning stage by taking the opportunity to sponsor. We have a range of options and price points, as seen below. To be as inclusive as possible, we have also made our award sponsorships available to one-man operators ONLY. We want the little guy to feel as part of the event as our larger company sponsors!

Platinum Sponsor

  • Logo featured on all convention webpages
  • Logo on at least one social media post per week
  • 8′ Exhibition table
  • 20-minute speaking opportunity
  • Secondary logo on banner at entrance and near main podium
  • Logo on break slides
  • Access to attendee list
  • 2x Free Tickets To Award Ceremony

Gold Sponsor

  • Logo featured on main convention webpage
  • Logo on at least one social media post per month
  • 6′ Exhibition table
  • Tertiary logo on banner at entrance and near main podium
  • Logo on break slides
  • Access to attendee list
  • 1x Free Ticket To Award Ceremony

Awards Event Sponsor

  • 4x Free Tickets To Award Ceremony
  • Branded banner at front of awards night all night (at least 4 hours)
  • Verbal recognition at start and end of awards ceremony
  • Branded logo shown on screen between award presentations
  • Chosen representative to present ‘ISCA Global Solar Panel Cleaning Contractor Of The Year’ award
  • 8′ Exhibition table
  • Access to attendee list

Lunchtime Break Sponsor

  • Logo on banner by refreshment table
  • Branded placecards by each food and drink item
  • Verbal recognition at end of event

Breakfast Sponsor

  • Logo on banner by refreshment table
  • Branded placecards by each food and drink item
  • Verbal recognition at end of event

2x Networking Break Sponsor

  • Logo on banner by refreshment table
  • Branded placecards by each food and drink item
  • Verbal recognition at end of event

Diamond Sponsor - Taken By Tucker USA

Stationery Sponsor

  • Branding on all pads and pens
  • Verbal recognition at the end of event

Safety Session Sponsor - Taken By Expert Safety Services

'Best Residential Clean of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Best Commercial Clean of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Best Utility Scale Clean of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Best Solar Cleaning Product of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Best Solar Cleaning Innovation of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Personal Progress' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Start-Up of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Wholesaler/Distributor of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner

'Young Solar Cleaner of the Year' Award Sponsor

  • Announced as award sponsor
  • Presentation of award to winner