The Hidden Dangers of Overhead Power Lines When Cleaning Solar Panels

One of the most significant dangers when solar panel cleaning is also hidden.  The threat comes from overhead power lines, which pose a deadly threat to those working at heights. This article delves into the perils associated with cleaning solar panels near overhead power lines.   We will also explore the different voltages running through various [...]

By |2024-06-07T21:08:07+01:00June 7th, 2024|Electrocution, Working At Height|0 Comments

The Ultimate Guide To Solar Panel Cleaning PPE

There is a lot of information about the health and safety aspects of solar panel cleaning on social media particularly by well-meaning, but mis-informed people. So ISCA have compiled the ultimate guide to solar panel cleaning personal protective equipement (PPE). The bottom line is that solar panel cleaning is spraying water on to an electricity-creating [...]

By |2023-09-21T10:25:40+01:00September 21st, 2023|Electrocution, Working At Height|4 Comments

Safe Work Australia Mention Solar In Working At Height Guidance

Safe Work Australia are a goverment-associated health and safety body.  In January 2016, they issued a revised version of their working at height guidance.  In this document, work around solar panels is specifically mentioned twice. The document flags several working at height issues.  ALL listed pertain to solar panel cleaning.  They are: Working at height [...]

By |2023-02-05T22:20:30+00:00February 5th, 2023|Electrocution, Working At Height|2 Comments

Can De-Ionised Water Conduct Electricity When Solar Panel Cleaning? (Premium Members Only)

Can de-ionised (DI) water conduct DC electricity when solar panel cleaning?  This is an excellent question.  In this article, we will break the question down and discuss a few things.  Firstly, what is DI water?  Secondly, what is DC electricity?  Thirdly, what happens when you mix DI water and DC electricity when solar [...]

By |2023-08-21T18:16:34+01:00November 19th, 2022|Electrocution|0 Comments
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