• This self-paced course will take 2-3 hours to complete.  You will receive ISCA certification upon completion and have access to the ‘ISCA Certified’ logo.  The course covers the following content:
    * Module 1: The Solar Panel Cleaning Opportunity            * Module 2: Solar Aray Technical Information * Module 3: Solar Panel Faults, Failure & Breakages * Module 4: Why Clean & Soiling Types * Module 5: The Solar Panel Cleaner’s Biggest Risk: Electrocution * Module 6: Other Health & Safety Considerations * Module 7: Essential Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) * Module 8: How Not To Clean & Bad Practices * Module 9: Residential Health & Safety * Module 10: Agricultural Solar Panel Cleaning * Module 11: Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning
  • * Module 1: The Solar Panel Cleaning Opportunity            * Module 2: Solar Array Technical Information * Module 3: Solar Panel Faults, Failure & Breakages * Module 4: Solar Panel Fires * Module 5: What Is Solar O&M? * Module 6: Why Clean & Chemical Cleaning * Module 7: Electrocution & Working At Height * Module 8:  Other Health & Safety Considerations * Module 9:  Essential Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) * Module 10: How Not To Clean & Bad Practices * Module 11: Residential Solar Panel Cleaning Health & Safety * Module 12: Agricultural Solar Panel Cleaning Health & Safety * Module 13: Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning Health & Safety * Module 14:  Be Safe & Successful
  • * Module 1: The Solar Panel Cleaning Opportunity            * Module 2: Solar Array Technical Information * Module 3: Solar Panel Faults, Failure & Breakages * Module 4: Why Clean & Soiling Types * Module 5: The Solar Panel Cleaner’s Biggest Risk: Electrocution * Module 6: Other Health & Safety Considerations * Module 7: Essential Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) * Module 8: How Not To Clean & Bad Practices * Module 9: Residential Health & Safety * Module 10: Agricultural Solar Panel Cleaning * Module 11: Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning
  • * Module 1: The Solar Panel Cleaning Opportunity            * Module 2: Solar Aray Technical Information * Module 3: Solar Panel Faults, Failure & Breakages * Module 4: Why Clean & Soiling Types * Module 5: The Solar Panel Cleaner’s Biggest Risk: Electrocution * Module 6: Other Health & Safety Considerations * Module 7: Essential Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) * Module 8: How Not To Clean & Bad Practices * Module 9: Residential Health & Safety * Module 10: Agricultural Solar Panel Cleaning * Module 11: Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning  
    • This self-paced course will take 2-3 hours to complete.  You will receive ISCA certification upon completion and have access to the 'ISCA Certified' logo.  The course covers the following content:
      * Module 1: The Solar Panel Cleaning Opportunity            * Module 2: Solar Aray Technical Information * Module 3: Solar Panel Faults, Failure & Breakages * Module 4: Why Clean & Soiling Types * Module 5: The Solar Panel Cleaner’s Biggest Risk: Electrocution * Module 6: Other Health & Safety Considerations * Module 7: Essential Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) * Module 8: How Not To Clean & Bad Practices * Module 9: Residential Health & Safety * Module 10: Agricultural Solar Panel Cleaning * Module 11: Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning
  • This self-paced course will take 2-3 hours to complete.  You will receive ISCA certification upon completion and have access to the ‘ISCA Certified’ logo.  The course covers the following content:
    * Module 1: The Solar Panel Cleaning Opportunity            * Module 2: Solar Aray Technical Information * Module 3: Solar Panel Faults, Failure & Breakages * Module 4: Why Clean & Soiling Types * Module 5: The Solar Panel Cleaner’s Biggest Risk: Electrocution * Module 6: Other Health & Safety Considerations * Module 7: Essential Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) * Module 8: How Not To Clean & Bad Practices * Module 9: Residential Health & Safety * Module 10: Agricultural Solar Panel Cleaning * Module 11: Commercial Solar Panel Cleaning
    Solar panel cleaning P.P.E. bundle requirements vary from country to country due to voltages used.  ISCA will send your P.P.E. bundle with the correct ratings for your country. The solar panel cleaning P.P.E. bundle includes: 1x Arc flash resistant harness
    • Tested to ASTM F887-20 with an electric arc energy of 40 cal/cm²
    • EN 361:2002 and EN 358:2018 tested & certified. - Suitable for use globally.
    1x Electrocution resistant boots
    • Certified protection against electrical shocks are manufactured to EN ISO 20345:2011 SB FO SRA and EN 50321. - Suitable for use globally
    • Steel toe cap
    • Non-slip PVC outsole
    1x Electrocution resistant gloves
    • Certified protection against electrical shocks are manufactured EN 60903:2003 tested & certified. - Suitable for use globally
    Please purchase the PPE bundle and we will contact you for correct sizing and rating of gloves and boots prior to shipping.   Shipping in 7-14 days, depending on location.
  • Ce cours à votre rythme prendra 2 à 3 heures. Vous recevrez la certification ISCA à la fin et aurez accès au logo « ISCA Certified ». Le cours couvre le contenu suivant:
    * Module 1 : L'opportunité de nettoyage des panneaux solaires * Module 2 : Informations techniques sur les panneaux solaires * Module 3 : Défauts, pannes et bris de panneaux solaires * Module 4 : Pourquoi les types de nettoyage et de salissures * Module 5 : Le plus gros risque du nettoyeur de panneaux solaires : l'électrocution * Module 6 : Autres considérations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité * Module 7 : Equipements de Protection Individuelle Essentiels (E.P.I.) * Module 8 : Comment ne pas nettoyer et mauvaises pratiques * Module 9 : Santé et sécurité résidentielles * Module 10 : Nettoyage de panneaux solaires agricoles * Module 11 : Nettoyage de panneaux solaires commerciaux
  • Dieser Kurs zum Selbststudium dauert 2-3 Stunden. Nach Abschluss erhalten Sie die ISCA-Zertifizierung und haben Zugriff auf das „ISCA Certified“-Logo. Der Kurs umfasst folgende Inhalte:
    * Modul 1: Die Möglichkeit zur Reinigung von Solarmodulen * Modul 2: Technische Informationen zu Solaranlagen * Modul 3: Fehler, Ausfälle und Brüche von Solarmodulen * Modul 4: Warum saubere und verschmutzende Arten * Modul 5: Das größte Risiko des Solarpanel-Reinigers: Stromschlag * Modul 6: Sonstige Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsaspekte * Modul 7: Grundlegende persönliche Schutzausrüstung * Modul 8: Wie man nicht sauber macht und schlechte Praktiken * Modul 9: Wohngesundheit und Sicherheit * Modul 10: Reinigung landwirtschaftlicher Solarmodule * Modul 11: Reinigung von gewerblichen Solarmodulen
  • Deze cursus op eigen tempo duurt 2-3 uur. Na afronding ontvang je de ISCA-certificering en heb je toegang tot het ‘ISCA Certified’-logo. De cursus omvat de volgende inhoud:
    * Module 1: De mogelijkheid om zonnepanelen schoon te maken * Module 2: Technische informatie over zonnepanelen * Module 3: Storingen, storingen en breuken aan zonnepanelen * Module 4: Waarom schone en vuile soorten * Module 5: Het grootste risico van de zonnepaneelreiniger: elektrocutie * Module 6: Overige gezondheids- en veiligheidsoverwegingen * Module 7: Essentiële Persoonlijke Beschermingsmiddelen * Module 8: Hoe niet schoon te maken en slechte praktijken * Module 9: Gezondheid en veiligheid in woningen * Module 10: Reiniging van zonnepanelen in de landbouw * Module 11: Commerciële reiniging van zonnepanelen
  • Este curso individualizado levará de 2 a 3 horas para ser concluído. Você receberá a certificação ISCA após a conclusão e terá acesso ao logotipo 'ISCA Certified'. O curso aborda o seguinte conteúdo:
    * Módulo 1: A oportunidade de limpeza do painel solar * Módulo 2: Informações Técnicas do Arranjo Solar * Módulo 3: Falhas, Falhas e Quebras do Painel Solar * Módulo 4: Por que limpar e sujar os tipos * Módulo 5: O maior risco do limpador de painel solar: eletrocussão * Módulo 6: Outras considerações de saúde e segurança * Módulo 7: Equipamento de Proteção Individual (EPI) Essencial * Módulo 8: Como não limpar e más práticas * Módulo 9: Saúde e Segurança Residencial * Módulo 10: Limpeza de Painéis Solares Agrícolas * Módulo 11: Limpeza Comercial de Painéis Solares
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